Size of the Enterprise, Parte Tres: No Way It’s That Big
OK, the numbers floating around for the size of the Enterprise in the new movie have left me feeling like something wasn't right. The ship just didn't seem to be quite that big in the film. So, using my trusty ruler and my Playmates model of the new ship, coupled with the knowledge that the viewscreen/window on the Bridge is 26 feet (thanks, Gizmodo!)... The bridge window is 1/2 inch long on the model. So 1 inch = 52 feet. The model is 18 inches long. Therefore, the ship is actually 936 feet (285 meters) long. Which is about the same size as the original. See, kids? It pays to pay attention in math class. [amazon_link asins='B01KW9M9IO,B016OLA17U,B016OLA1B6,B01CJW334Q,B01BP06ENA,B01N47VPJG,B01NAJ4HMI,B01N9BJHPI,B07G2D87C1,1785655841' template='ProductGrid' store='harlander-20' marketplace='US' link_id='a0ef8d7f-0e5a-11e9-a63e-9f9eb86907f1']

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