Open Beta is over, and now Star Trek Online is in "Head Start" for all of us who pre-ordered the game, giving us the opportunity to get a head start before the game officially launches on Tuesday.
In the Open Beta, I planted my tongue firmly in cheek and named my character Captain Dunsel, a tip of the hat to the classic Star Trekepisode "The Ultimate Computer." This time, however, I was somewhat more serious. As in the Open Beta, I named my ship the U.S.S. John Rodgers, after my ancestor and the U.S. Navy vessels likewise named in his honor, but my character was decidedly different. Now that the game is launching, several new options are available, and more will be available on Tuesday; I used the option to make my character a liberated Borg drone named Thirteen of Forty-Seven. Okay, so there's still a bit of in-joke in the name, but it's not as readily apparent. At least I didn't name him Forty-Two of Forty-Seven; that would've just been excessive. [amazon_link asins='B002673XJA,B00BUQA14I,150113017X,B071Z3D139,B000G75AL6,0789335298,B01068FP3W,B01D5CXMAO,1910132853,B07F2P93XM' template='ProductGrid' store='harlander-20' marketplace='US' link_id='d4e4e774-0e59-11e9-9135-319fdeecde9b']